How it's Going.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Work is Not Good for Healthy Eating. At Least, Not Where I Work.

Like most fat chicks I have triggers that when, um, triggered cause me to basically inhale any form of readily available food within walking distance. Generally speaking this involves carbohydrates and refined sugars. My number one avoid-at-all-possible-costs-because-I'm-heading-straight-for-the-cookies-if-it-happens is fatigue. Good ole fashion run of the mill tiredness. Long nights at work are the worst. I'm an orthopedics nurse and sometimes I go five or six hours before I sit down even once. You'd think this would contribute to my weight loss but given that my number two trigger is stress...not so much. Work is a deadly combination for my good eating habits. Anyone who's ever worked at a hospital can tell you that most nursing stations are also snack spots. On any given night there's chips, M&Ms, cookies, candy, pretty much whatever you want, available for the taking. You get the point. Tired + Stress = No willpower. I'm thankful that I only work three days a week because if I had to work five, I'd NEVER get my act together.

Oh, and I've forgiven my husband. He meant well and I love him dearly.


  1. We have the infamous biscuit tin at my work. I can only imagine that over 20 billion biscuits have been in and out of that tin for the last few years and i've eaten about 10 billion of them. I went a week without touching them, then a month and today, funnily enough, i've just returned from the supermarket with lots of fruit and my own bowl to put on my work desk so I can eat them instead of biscuits. I just wish fruit tasted of chocolate biscuits :(

  2. So true! I don't know if you have it available across the pond but Emerald Almonds has a Dark Cocoa Roast almond that is awesome AND healthy.
