How it's Going.

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Husband Sucks

So today was the first day since I got back on track that I weighed myself and I've lost 5.2lbs. That's a good start! I'm past the sugar cravings and headaches. Now I'm just pissed at my husband. Not for anything directly related to my eating plan, but for bringing my stepson over for the weekend. His presence always means chaos will ensue. The two boys are enough to handle on a daily basis but a third? When I'm trying to get through the first week? NOT helpful. He knew I'd be pissed and I am. So screw him. On a not-so-bitchy note I colored my hair for the first time in four years. Normally my hair is this completely boring, nondescript shade of dark blonde. Now it is a medium chestnut color. I feel inspired by fall. 


  1. Hey, congratulations on losing 5.2bs. That is a good start indeed! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm now following your progress too! :)

  2. Just another one of life's little "tests."
