How it's Going.

Friday, December 30, 2011

These Dreams Go On When I Close My Eyes

I had the worst nightmare last night. In my dreams I'm usually at my pre-baby, hotness, weight and I basically kick ass. I've been in control of my dreams for many years now thanks to my love affair with the Nightmare on Elm Street series. Yes, you can control your dreams. Yes, it takes a LOT of practice. Yes, most of the time I just go with it and don't try and control anything. Last night was crazy. In my dreams I was super fat (not just my current fat, which is pretty fat) and my husbands ex-girlfriend (my stepson's mother) showed up and she was super skinny (which she is not now and has never been). If that alone wasn't bad enough, the dream took the usual course of my husband leaving me for her, then the apocalypse (am I the only one who dreams about the apocalypse on a regular basis?) and then I die because I'm too fat and out of shape to survive the harsh post-Ap living conditions. It was by far the worst dream I've had in a LONG time. I couldn't even think of controlling it because I was too flabbergasted by my extreme fatness. In response I took my husband to the gym tonight and possibly pushed myself too far. I know I pushed myself too hard during my cardio because it took me forever to catch my breath (can we say anaerobic workout?) but I won't know until tomorrow if I worked my legs and abs too hard. It's a fair bet that I did because I did the workout that my trainer showed me and then added some hamstring curls, calf raises, adductor, and abductor exercises. I stretched really good this time so hopefully I will be able to walk tomorrow. The worst part was when my husband asked me why I was pushing myself so hard and he didn't buy the excuse I gave him. He needled the dream out of me (damned soul mates and their ability to see right through you!) and then felt the need to prove to me how much he loved ME and not HER. That was fun. I'm scheduled to work the next three days and I just know I'm not going to be working all three days because it's a holiday and we are ridiculously overstaffed so I will make it back on whatever day I'm flexed. I hope everyone out there is well and feeling the warm fuzzies I am sending out to you. Be good my dear friends and if you can't be good, then be good at it!


  1. Control your dreams? HOW?!? I had a dream the other night that I was at a baseball game with my husband and he was talking in a girl's ear in the row in front of us (because she couldn't hear over all of the ruckus) and I beat her with my water bottle!!!! Why didn't I beat him??? What the hell does that mean???

    Sometimes it's good to push a bit- it shows us we're not going to die if we try for more.

  2. Lmbo! That's why dreams are so strange. The first step in controlling a dream (and the most important) is realizing that your ARE dreaming. If I'm dreaming and something goes bad or gets upsetting I can say "Wait, this is a dream" and change it. That's the only time I do it. I had to learn how to do it as a pre-teen because I was plagued by horrific nightmares. They were so awful my parents actually sent me to a child psychologist who told my parents that I wasn't psychotic or a future serial killer and that I just had a REALLY creative mind that got out of hand when I slept. He taught me how to tame down my dreams and it was a lifesaver!

  3. My ex-girlfriend once refused to talk to me because I cheated on her in her dream. WTF! LOL

  4. Hope you're doing better! I tagged you in a question game. Don't feel obligated!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

