How it's Going.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

One Line is A Good Sign

     Ladies, you know that line I'm talking about. One line good. Two lines and there is usually a rather emotional response. Now this is just in MY case. In many cases that second line is eagerly anticipated and dreamed about nightly. In fact, that second line can be what consumes some folks lives. I love both of my "second lines" dearly and don't regret their being for one second. I even plan on having another one. Just not. right. now. While it might seem like no big deal to some people, I am one of those folks who knows from experience that no matter how prepared you are, a child completely changes the dynamic of your life. It doesn't matter if you already have one (or more), that addition changes things. It might seem cruel that where some have trouble making that miracle occur I have just the opposite issue. I won't go in to the dirty details (your welcome) so let's just say that no matter what form of birth control I use, have used, or will use, I always have a HPT on hand (usually more than one). 
     Here's why NOW is NOT a good time for that second line to pop up: 1) I'm still far to obese to support a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and recovery. While many women my size and age have had healthy pregnancies, uncomplicated deliveries, and require minimal recovery; my history of two complicated pregnancies, two c-section deliveries, and one post-op complication means that the closer I am to my goal weight when I get pregnant, the better the chances for me and the baby. 2) I am moving to California this year. Getting pregnant would delay that move by at least a year to allow for the pregnancy and post-op period. You can't get short-term disability if you haven't been with a hospital for at least a year and that is how most nurses make ends meet when they are off for maternity leave (STD usually pays out 60% of your salary for up to six months). Plus...what hospital in California is going to hire a nurse knowing she's pregnant and going to be off for at least six weeks only a short time after being hired? I wouldn't. 3) I JUST got back in the game! I want to see that scale going down! I want to buy smaller clothes and then smaller and smaller, etc! I want to start running again (safely)! I have other fitness and health goals but you get the point. I'd like to achieve the BIG ones before I get pregnant again.  So fare I've taken two test and both were negative. If I don't get the definitive answer in the next few days, I'll test again on Sunday. Wish me luck because I'd really like to be all healthy and settled in California before bringing the next mini-me into the world.


  1. Wow. I know that feeling. I was bringing my weight down, my son was only 13 months old and BAM! I'm pregnant again. IT TOOK ONLY 1 TIME! Stupid me and my short cycle! So, after a boy and a girl, I got my tubes tied. That was 11 years ago. I would've loved a big family coming from one, but the reality would just have been way too hard financially. So, I totally understand what you mean by timing it properly! (And my sister was obese and 40+ when she delivered my niece at 27 weeks. 2 lbs. 3 oz.- her father's wedding ring fit on her like a bangle bracelet! Thank God, she's going on 11 and doing fine!)

  2. Ok, I SWEAR I commented on this post yesterday! I just said I feel your pain. I was losing weight, getting into the health zone, then I was late and my son was only 13 months old. I wanted to die. Then my daughter came and everything was great, a boy and a girl. DONE! Got my tubes tied 11 years ago. Would've loved a big family coming from one, but financially it would've been ridiculous! I'll keep my fingers crossed!

  3. Nevermind- I see you approve comments! OOps!
