How it's Going.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Healthy is as Healthy Does

People lose weight on a bunch of different programs. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, you know the rest, and the ever popular calorie counting. Those don't work for me. The only thing that has ever worked for me has been Atkins (low-carb). I already ate tons of vegetables and chicken so nixing the bread and pasta (that made me feel like shit after eating it anyway) just seemed natural. I knew I was addicted to carbs. One look at me and I've got Pre-Diabetic tattooed across my forehead. I wish I could post a picture to prove it but my husband is technically incompetent and incapable of taking a photograph so you'll just have to trust me. I got the usual flack from the usual people (you know, the ones who haven't done their research and simply regurgitate the nutritional crap they learned in health class or their basic college nutrition class), but it didn't take long for me to convince them. When my family physician gave the thumbs up it really shut them up. I'm not saying Atkins is the way everyone needs to go. Healthy eating comes in many disguises. My usual day includes a lot of veggies (steamed or uncooked, occasionally stir-fried, never deep-fried), lean beef, chicken, and a little bit of cheese. I get my carbs from my veggies. I also do a lot of soups (because I LOVES me some soup).  My cholesterol is down. My blood pressure is totally normal now. And most importantly...I'm losing weight. Steadily losing weight. From around my belly (you know, the really-awful-going-to-kill-you, belly fat). My skin in clear. I'm using less sleeping medicine. The plan is working. I'm looking forward to hitting that sixty pound mark so I can safely start running again. For now I'm walking. This is really hard for me because my instinct, and my muscle memory, is telling me to run but I have to tell myself that it's just not time yet. *Sigh*  I will get there. I will get there. I will get there.

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